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Hunter x Hunter Spoilers & RAW Chapter 384

CH# 383
CH# 385
Chapter 384 "Dispute" spoilers: 7th Saturday PM10: 30 Sha-A-family office Tahao, Assistant Chief Assistant Chairman of the 7th Prince Private Military Adviser, comes from a blocked door (a straight aisle to the upper level) in the office Listen to the report on the hitman from the Wandoko Ou and the circumstances of having fought with the brigade A second simultaneous search was conducted, but no hitman was found, and the armed forces also suspected that it was a case involving a group Eight people are missing in the past few days and the labor force disappeared exceeded 300 It seems that the hitman and his colleagues who caused troubles in the third layer come down to the lower level and continue hunting people It was a brigade looking for Hisoka, but it was not in the 5th layer Finks says that if we talk to the four-layered Shu-u family, I will kill that hitman In the definition of the finance, the purpose of the hitman is that it is the direct passage itself to the upper level The route of this even though the A-I family also has the route of the 4 th prince I guess that I want to secure the aim of the chairman's life Tahao said that the chairperson will confirm where Maurena is now If she is in the lower level it is the beginning of a whole conflict and the fight does not end until either one is destroyed I will advise that brigades will not be able to escape from the conflict in the meantime Ow explains the style of Kakin mafia to a brigade where the circumstances are not well understood In the case of a gang strikes by a group member, the group leaders keep in touch with each other beforehand and the victim's group chief tells the circumstances of the harmful side 's group manager Conditions are gold and are part of the body and the victim's chairperson presents in consideration of equilibrium There are many cases where the group manager contact will be accepted afterwards, but in that case you need to keep in touch within 24 hours after the thing happens Moreover, as an absolute condition there is what the group chief "is in a place away from the comma at the time of the incident" In this case the place away from the comma refers to the upper layer area of 1 layer 2 layers Two days have already passed since the first murder but there is no contact from Morena It is not a big problem because it is thought that contact is delayed because it is located away from the comma If she is in the 3rd tier and not contacting, it is synonymous with having shot a bullet in another group's manager, which means the start of war To say that a brigade deletes a hitman signifies the start of the war between the Ai-I family and brigade and does not end until either one is crushed In addition, when the war starts, the underlying organization's thugs are supposed to draw hands. While not wearing either side during the war the rule, Shu-u family talks through HISOKA can not be searched for in the Human Sea tactics like doing in 5 layers Nobunaga "It is the fastest way for us to kill him if the head of the Ai-I family is down" Nobunaga "If the replacement manager is a trouble maker, you should switch again." Finks "Please immediately check the location of Morena, during which we will contact other members and hit a hit man." Oh, is not it dangerous? Tahao (for sure) There was promised enough treatment in the back world for two-wire people who can not stand on the stage stage Shipboard residential district is also in the same place as the top Queen and the weight of the cargo was allowed the amount after the king However, it was conditional that it was absolutely obedient to the kingship system In the room No. 1004, the private soldier of Zelli was cleaning the corpse which became minced Mr. Zelli on the phone Mafia? I'm talking to Morena was not in his room, he seems to be latent in the lower layer from the time he got on board Zelli "I do not mind doing it freely, I will move as soon as my hands are available" Resuming training while asking subordinates to search for Morena The shape of the violent aura overflowing from the back of Tsiri gradually changes and transforms into a figure of a monster A different monster from the original guardian spirit appears on the back of Tseli Theta (a reminder of a characteristic system embodied without awareness of himself ... I can not imagine what kind of ability I am ...!) Theta (the alter ego of the principal born by the guardian spirit animal and instinct born by the ceremony) (It will not make it in time as I arrive at the aircraft ...!) Theta "Let's shift to the combined technique of the four major lines" Since the dressing and the dressing are already at a high level, in order to start absolutely training The data to admonize that it will lead to the extraordinary thing Data "Firstly close partially, close the whole body aura and keep it for over an hour, it is practical if it can be done" A guardian spirit comes near, but Teita was telling a true heart without a truth, so no reproach from a spiritual animal Zelli to start the absolute The aura gradually closes from the fingertip Theta "It's amazing, it's going well" Data (I hope this person's growth from the bottom of my heart now) (If it is this, I can do it tomorrow ...!) Togashi's comment: I will apologize in advance, although the approximate structure of the end is decided and the length is measured with experience as experienced. Distant ... I will do my best You are reading Hunter x Hunter Spoilers & RAW manga chapter 384 in English. 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Hunter x Hunter Spoilers & RAW Chapter 384

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